Prevention & Recovery
More Than Conquerors (MTC):
- MTC is a Christ centered support group for those struggling with addiction. The group provides a nonthreatening system of mutual accountability while stressing sobriety and recovery. The program provides a biblical foundation for overcoming the problems that those in recovery face.
“In all these things we are More Than Conquerors through Him who loved us.” Romans 8:37
Adolescent Intervention Program (AIP):
- The AIP works within the courtroom, offering an alternative for dealing with youthful offenders who are cited for alcohol and/or other drug offenses. First time offenders can attend drug and alcohol classes at The DoorWay, which provides up-to-date alcohol and other drug information, as well as first-hand testimonies of those struggling to overcome addiction.
To download the AIP form, CLICK HERE.
Crisis Intervention:
- Includes assessment, guidance, clothing, and emergency shelter, as an ongoing part of The DoorWay’s daily services. Referrals and follow up appointments are made for housing, employment, education, medical assistance, and drug/alcohol rehabilitation.
Community Service:
- The DoorWay works in conjunction with local Magisterial District Judges, Police Departments, and other law enforcement authorities to provide a community service work site. The DoorWay provides a location where offenders, both youth and adults, can work off court assigned community service hours. During this process, The DoorWay’s staff has the opportunity to talk and share with those who have been charged and to begin to show them alternative choices that they can make for their lives.
To download the Community Service form, CLICK HERE.